Hello Everyone!
This weeks actual #BritishBloggerSelection topic is about
your favourite clothes shop. Oooo, I love clothes so very much, so this is
quite a toughie choosing a favourite.
I work in a clothes retailer, and some people when getting a job
in certain places can make them hate the things they sell. Like if you worked
in a chip shop, you may become sick of the smell of greasy chips. However, this
is not the case for me. I love my job, even if it is only 4 hours on a Saturday
and 4 on a Sunday. I don't know whether it is the clothes, working on the till,
being able to help customers or the lovely people who also work there that make
me LOVE it!? Oh.... I’ve just realised that I missed out saying where it is I
work, that place is Primark!

My other all time favourite shop is H&M! They too have such
beautiful clothing designs for a fairly decent price, I would say the majority
of my wardrobe is from H&M. Infact, the top I am currently wearing whilst
writing this post is from H&M a few years ago. It's still going, and is
still one of my favourite tops.
Every now and then I go through phases of loving everything in
Dorothy Perkins to loving a few items, to absolutely nothing at all. I thought
I would include it in my list of favourite clothes shops. I would say that my
love for Dorothy Perkins has come from my mum, as I remember she used to like
shopping in there, but it now seems quite expensive (especially for a college
student, saving up for car insurance and university).

Thank you for reading about my favourite shops. Where are your
favourite places to buy your clothes? If you would like to tell me then please
feel free to leave a comment below.
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