Hello Everyone!
Halloween has been and gone for another year, and for this blog
post I will be talking about how I spent my night. This post on 'Halloween' is
part of a #BritishBloggerSelection topic.
I don't
normally celebrate Halloween as my mum and dad never thought it was 'morally
right' to go trick or treating, as to them it's 'give us sweets or we'll do
horrible things to you/your house'. :/ So I think during my 18 years of life I
have only been trick or treating once with friends. I remember being invited to
my best friends Halloween party when I was about 7/8 and my parents wouldn't
let me go, I cried as I was so upset! :'( aha As a child me and my sister had a
fancy dress box, full of princess dresses, and somehow we also had a scary
vampire mask which terrified my mum, so that got thrown away!
In my house we even go so far as to put up this sign in the front room window. Halloween is a no go for my family!
This year however, we actually did something on Halloween night (that to my dad’s delight, avoided any trick or treaters at the door). My dad took part in a panto (for children as an alternative Halloween night) as an evil henchman, this involved acting stupid, being picked up and thrown on the ground, having a moustache and wearing women’s leggings! Yes, that's right I said WOMEN'S LEGGINGS, on my dad's legs, which are slimmer than mine! :/ Despite all of these embarrassing factors, it turned out to be a brilliant performance by all the cast.
The story of the
panto was based on Jack and the Beanstalk. Men dressed as women and women
dressed as men. It was £1 entry to get in, this included free popcorn, sweets and drinks. If I'm being honest I didn't think many people would turn
up, they’d be too busy actually trick or treating. Why would they come to see a
group of amateurs fool around on stage!? I was totally wrong as on the first
night they pulled in 370 people to watch, and then when it was extended to a
second night they brought in a further 300, making the two nights total 670
people. My sister and I had seen all of the rehearsals over the weeks, seeing
it all come together, as we helped out with the costumes and props which I
found very fun! It was a great achievement seeing all the costumes and props I'd helped out with being used on stage. To top it all off on the last night, they congratulated everyone who had helped out (from directing, make-up, hair, costumes and props), they called them up on stage to give flowers or chocolates. Me and my sister were called up, it was such an embarrassing experience looking out, only being able to see the kids at the front due to the power of the lights. :/
Thanks to anyone who has chosen to read this post, about how I spent my 'Halloween' night. This is the first topic in the #BritishBloggerSelection and in the coming weeks I will continue to write more posts on the topics set out. :D

In my house we even go so far as to put up this sign in the front room window. Halloween is a no go for my family!
This year however, we actually did something on Halloween night (that to my dad’s delight, avoided any trick or treaters at the door). My dad took part in a panto (for children as an alternative Halloween night) as an evil henchman, this involved acting stupid, being picked up and thrown on the ground, having a moustache and wearing women’s leggings! Yes, that's right I said WOMEN'S LEGGINGS, on my dad's legs, which are slimmer than mine! :/ Despite all of these embarrassing factors, it turned out to be a brilliant performance by all the cast.

Thanks to anyone who has chosen to read this post, about how I spent my 'Halloween' night. This is the first topic in the #BritishBloggerSelection and in the coming weeks I will continue to write more posts on the topics set out. :D
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