Hello Everyone!
It is week 5 of the #BritishBloggerSelection and this weeks theme is all about skincare. This is something that some may treat like a chore as it can take up so much time which you could be spending doing other, more exciting things. But this is not the attitude to be expressing if you want to have great skin! I think most people suffer from/have suffered from spots or dry skin patches at some point. It can be very hard to find a ‘get rid quick scheme’ that’s right for you, as everyone’s skin is different.

For me, the first product I use is Simple’s Kind To Skin Purifying Cleansing Lotion to cleanse my face, to clean my pores and remove some of my make-up that is blocking the pores. I use Simple for this task as I have very sensitive skin, my skin is so often irritated by every product I use, and this seems to really work with my skin. I use a cotton wool to smooth this around my face in the morning, when I wake up and at night before I go to bed to remove my make-up. Mainly I cleanse my face around areas prone to break outs.
Most people use face wipes to remove their make-up, I go through phases of using them and then not. If I do I would only use it around my forehead, avoiding my mouth as the face wipes have always brought me out in a rash. (Ooo how lovely.. aha) When removing my make-up after a long day, I tend to use a flannel and some warm water as I feel that this is a really good way of not irritating the skin.

I'm really bad when it comes to using moisturiser, as my skin can get so dry and irritated by the simplest product, so I have to be careful what I use. (Even Simple's products have caused a reaction many a time). The doctor once gave me some prescribed cream to use as a moisturiser- Aqueous cream which can be very watery and can sometimes bring you out in spots. I have tried Garnier's moisture match moisturiser (the start a fresh one) which is for normal to dry skin types. This did work, however I sometimes get lazy with things like this.
When I get a break out of spots I find sudocrem a great go-to as this works wonders on spots. I use it mostly during the night, putting it on the individual spots and sleeping with it on my face (kind of like a face mask). For when my spots get very bad I either use Lush's Cosmetic Warrior natural face mask 2-3 times a week or Garnier's spot roll-on.
Another skincare (if you can class it as skin!?) product I use is Vaseline as in the winter I get super dry lips, they're always chapped. I go through pots of this like no-ones business, people always seemed shocked at how quickly I use them! This is a must have in my bag at all times of the year, my lips really do suffer without it. When my lips are so dry, I cake my lips with Vaseline. Then I use an exfoliating hand glove to rub off the dry skin and make them smooth.

For me, the first product I use is Simple’s Kind To Skin Purifying Cleansing Lotion to cleanse my face, to clean my pores and remove some of my make-up that is blocking the pores. I use Simple for this task as I have very sensitive skin, my skin is so often irritated by every product I use, and this seems to really work with my skin. I use a cotton wool to smooth this around my face in the morning, when I wake up and at night before I go to bed to remove my make-up. Mainly I cleanse my face around areas prone to break outs.
Most people use face wipes to remove their make-up, I go through phases of using them and then not. If I do I would only use it around my forehead, avoiding my mouth as the face wipes have always brought me out in a rash. (Ooo how lovely.. aha) When removing my make-up after a long day, I tend to use a flannel and some warm water as I feel that this is a really good way of not irritating the skin.

I'm really bad when it comes to using moisturiser, as my skin can get so dry and irritated by the simplest product, so I have to be careful what I use. (Even Simple's products have caused a reaction many a time). The doctor once gave me some prescribed cream to use as a moisturiser- Aqueous cream which can be very watery and can sometimes bring you out in spots. I have tried Garnier's moisture match moisturiser (the start a fresh one) which is for normal to dry skin types. This did work, however I sometimes get lazy with things like this.
When I get a break out of spots I find sudocrem a great go-to as this works wonders on spots. I use it mostly during the night, putting it on the individual spots and sleeping with it on my face (kind of like a face mask). For when my spots get very bad I either use Lush's Cosmetic Warrior natural face mask 2-3 times a week or Garnier's spot roll-on.

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